Wycombe Summit
Hambledon Land is delighted that planning consent for Wycombe Summit was granted by Wycombe District Council on 29 November 2016.

The Wycombe Summit proposals will regenerate a site which has remained derelict for over ten years by providing 30 new high-quality homes, including 30% to be provided as on-site affordable housing.
The proposals for Wycombe Summit will also fund a comprehensive woodland management plan to bring Deangarden Wood into positive management; remove the former ski slope material and create habitat rich chalk grassland. Formal public access to Deangarden Wood, which is currently private land, will also be secured through the provision of new public rights of way and footpath improvements.
Following grant of planning consent and sale of the housing land, the long leaseholder, SnowDome, surrendered its lease and control of the woodland reverted to the freeholder, Carington Estate. The future management of the Ancient Woodland has been contracted to Chiltern Rangers, who also manage several woodlands on behalf of Wycombe District Council.
The development will deliver further public benefit through a transport infrastructure contribution of £225,000 which will be used for Marsh School mitigation measures and additional bus measures on the London Road. In addition, a CIL contribution (Community Infrastructure Levy) of £500,000 will be directed by the Council towards other sustainable transport measures such as bus improvements and cycling and walking network enhancements.
The consented proposals evolved to respond to a range of comments and concerns raised through the pre-application engagement, public consultation and throughout the planning process. Engagement with local residents, stakeholder groups and with members and officers at Wycombe District Council were invaluable in helping to achieve a positive planning consent for all parties.
You can review our planning application by visiting: publicaccess.wycombe.gov.uk/idoxpa-web/ and enter 16/06045/FUL in the search box at the bottom of the page.