Stoke Mandeville Retirement & Care Community
The vision for a new retirement and care community and nature reserve on Risborough Road, Stoke Mandeville, was first presented in April 2018 to Stoke Mandeville Parish Council. In February 2019, we submitted a response to the Neighbourhood Plan consultation on our vision that provided a strong justification for a site-specific policy in the Plan.
Since then the proposals have evolved further to reflect a much more ambitious vision that seeks to address pressing issues that go much wider than the need for care and specialist housing for the elderly. The evolving proposals now seek to deliver the most sustainable retirement and care community in the country through a zero carbon development that is harmoniously incorporated within its natural environment.
This more ambitious mission to deliver a fully integrated scheme that addresses the impending climate challenge head on has been inspired in recognition of the increasing impetus to seriously address the climate emergency. Our project team now includes the technical experts able to develop such a scheme and demonstrate that it can be delivered.
Our proposals have been supported by both Stoke Mandeville Parish Council in its emerging Neighbourhood Plan and by Buckinghamshire Council which has allocated our site for retirement living in the Local Plan which was adopted in September 2021.

For more information download this document